About Us

What is CPAS ?
The Parity Committee for security guards is a non-profit organization responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Decree respecting security guards under the Act respecting collective agreement decrees.
The Act respecting collective agreement decrees allows members of a collective agreement to ask the government to extend certain provisions of the agreement to all employers and employees in their sectors of employment. A decree is therefore the legal extension of a collective agreement.
Not all of the negotiated collective agreement’s provisions form the decree, but mainly those of a financial nature: wages, leave, overtime, etc. By requesting an order-in-council, the contracting parties seek to prevent unfair competition from employers who would not be subject to a collective agreement. They make sure that the wages and working conditions of employees are not a competitive factor.
In the security sector, a first decree was issued on August 13, 1980 for the Quebec City area and on April 15, 1981 for the Montreal area. In February 1984, the two decrees were merged into one: The Decree respecting security guards.
MIssion and vision
Ethics and Professional Conduct
Mission and vision
The Parity Committee for security guards ensures that the provisions of the Decree respecting security guards are enforced, respected and encouraged in order to ensure that the rights of employees are respected while promoting healthy competition between employers in the industry.
Service and accessibility
The Parity Committee for security guards is committed to improving its service to those subject to the Decree respecting security guards and its understanding of the industry challenges they face in order to provide a service that meets their ever-changing needs. The Committee wishes to help those subject to the Decree better understand the provisions of the Decree and its application as well as the role of the Committee. To this end, the Committee will provide more tools and information about the Decree and the Committee’s practices. It will also increase its presence in the industry through various means.
The Parity Committee for security guards is dedicated to its mission with integrity, respect, equity, confidentiality and rigour.
We are committed to being ethical and authentic while respecting the Parity Committee’s values and principles.
We maintain courteous and professional working relationships that promote collaboration, mutual aid and respect without discrimination, harassment or violence.
Our behaviour is impartial and shows no preference. We objectively search for the facts and truth.
We do not share confidential information entrusted to the Parity Committee and its representatives. We do not disclose the identity of an employee involved in a complaint or a whistleblower, unless they consent.
We stick to our commitments and work objectively, accurately and fairly, without complacency.
Mandate, services, rights and privileges
The Parity Committee is responsible for:
- Informing and educating employees and employers about the working conditions described in the Decree as well as their rights, duties and obligations
- Supervising and ensuring compliance with the Decree
- Receiving complaints and reports in case of Decree violations
- Conducting investigations and inspections in the workplace and at the employer’s head office
- Claiming from employers what is owed to employees
- Defending employees whose rights are not respected before the courts
- Ensuring compliance with the Act respecting collective agreement decrees
- Monitoring compliance with the regulations put in place
- Initiating criminal proceedings against employers who commit offences subject to fines under the Act respecting collective agreement decrees
The Parity Committee for security guards is governed by a board of directors made up of equal numbers of employers and union representatives from the associations that negotiated the collective agreement covered by the legal extension.
The Parity Committee’s board of directors is made up of 12 members:
- 6 members appointed by the Association provinciale des agences de sécurité (A.P.A.S.)
- 6 members appointed by the Syndicat des Métallos, Section Locale 8922 (FTQ)
The Act respecting collective agreement decrees also stipulates that the contracting parties must set up a Parity committee to oversee the Decree’s enforcement. The board of directors appoints a general manager with the assistance of inspectors and administrative staff to oversee the permanence of the committee and the Decree’s enforcement.
All employers and employees, whether unionized or not, are subject to the Decree and must contribute to funding activities of the Parity Committee.